Historical Computer Engineering - Logical Circuits
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Logical Circuits

XOR (eXclusive OR, "either .. or")

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The circuit of the "exclusive or" has two inputterminals, which are linked. The output is 1 ("true"), if there is an odd number of ones at the inputs. The meaning of the "either .. or" shows it well, "either" there is one inputterminal true "or" the other one. They have to be different for getting an 1 (true) as a result.


claim: Either I or you win.
(The claim is false if both or nobody of them wins.)
If ... the claim is ...
Nobody wins, wrong
you win, true
I win, true
We both win, false

claim (Z) = Either I(A) or you(B) win.

loses loses false
loses wins true
wins loses true
wins wins wrong

Z = I XOR you (wins)
1: victory/ true
0: defeat/ wrong

Truth table

0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 0

Functional equation

functional equation

Functional symbol

functional symbol of the exlusive or
" =1 " (if there is exactly one 1 (with 2 inputterminals), then true)


Propositional calculus with words:

claim: Either it rains or the sun shines.

If the sun shines AND it's not raining, the claim is _________.
If the sun shines and it's raining _________.

From words to the logic function:

Either green or red.
green XOR red
Either you go or you don't go.
go XOR !go

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It possible to have an XOR gate with more than two inputterminals the result is calculated in the same way like a gate with two inputterminal. The result is also true, if there is an odd number of inputterminals with an one. It's implemented with many XOR gates, where two inputterminals are connected with a xor and the result is (xor) connected with the next input. This process is repeated until every input is considered.

addition of binary numbers in the Von Neumann architecture
exlusive or addition result
0 XOR 0 0 + 0 0
0 XOR 1 0 + 1 1
1 XOR 0 1 + 0 1
1 XOR 1 1 + 1 (1)0
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encryption: One-Time-Pad
(plaintext → binary text XOR random key (same length as binary text)= secret message;
secret message XOR key = binary text → plaintext)
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It is also possible to build this gate just from NAND gates. XOR from NANDs

CMOS implementation

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