Historical Computer Engineering - Konrad Zuse
Mode: Visitor // Expert
Language: Deutsch English

Konrad Zuse

Multiple Choice

The Computer


What he used to enter the program?
Which number system was used for the bill?
Which number system was used for the input?
How many commands could be processed?
How many seconds were needed for an addition.


What was the biggest change to the Z1?
Which new arithmetic operations were implemented?
What disadvantages did the Z3 have in the program schedule?
What could not be used for data input?
What the Z3 still not were?

More Z-models

In which range the Z4 was introduced in 1955?
Which computer was the first commercial success of the Zuse KG?
What was first used in the Z23?
How much time were required for an multiplication with the Z26?
As what the Z64 was used?