His aims
- Book "Der Computer mein Lebenswerk"
- Band hole puncher
- Teleprinter T100
Why has Zuse invented the computer?
"I was too lazy to calculate"
The requirements, which Zuse had made, were based on his own and engineers basic ideas. Calculation is much easier with fixed formulas and repeating algorithms.
In conclusion the following requirements were made:
- His computer should process fully automatic data and it should read hole bands (freely programmable)
- The whole machine should work on the principal of the propositional logic (0-1 principle)
- Powerful floating point calculating unit for an excellent data processing
- The single-step transfer should allow rapid addition in binary
- All calculations are due to addition and subtraction (Complementation)
- Arithmetic exception handlings (division by zero, infinity, ...)
- A memory for data
- A control unit should control the entire computer
- Decimal input
- Automatically transformation decimal / dual and reversed